Mother of All Mavens

A whole lot o' nothing. And then some…


Almost a year ago, I wrote a post about turning 49. At the time, I felt like there were so many “shoulds”: I should be a certain way. I should look a certain way. I should act a certain way. I should have reached milestones: personal, professional, even spiritual. It was quite alarming – for […]


It’s June, and therefore, for those with children of almost any school age, it’s Graduation Season. Whether from pre-school to elementary, middle to high school, or university and beyond we have all been told, repeatedly, that it is a BIG DEAL. Growing up, wasn’t it just high school that was a big deal? Prom, corsage, […]

This is (almost) 50

On the near-eve of my 49th birthday, it is nearly impossible to escape The Big 5-0 looming ahead. I think I started telling people I was “almost 50” when I was 46. To which they’d often respond “but you don’t look 50”. That’s because I wasn’t. Then. But with the year-long countdown about to begin […]

Canyon Ranch

I’ve just returned from a week at Canyon Ranch in Tuscon. I remembered a kibbutz-like place with cheesy Southwestern furnishings and dark carpets. Those were the late 80’s. Those days are done. Now I can safely say: I’ve been Ranched.


Part kickboxing, part dancing, all sweating. It’s like Tae Bo for a new generation.

Isa- what?

I know what you’re thinking – obviously having been on every diet means that I….erm… needed to be on every diet.


I feel the need to revisit that little thing called “mobile phone etiquette”. It seems that many of us our lacking it. Big time.

Coloroso for Dummies

The trials and tribulations of parenting. The love. The joy. The pain….in the ass. It ain’t easy so I take any help I can get. And then I discard what I don’t need. Or want.