Mother of All Mavens

A whole lot o' nothing. And then some…

Unfair Miles

Credit card companies have wised up. They’ve realized there’s a market for cards that actually let you spend your miles. No shortage of seats, no blackout periods, no restrictions on carriers – nothing to stop you jetting away. Oh no, wait – there is one little itty thang; the tax. And did I mention the other “fees”? Lord help you if you dare to change your ticket. Ka-ching, ka-ching

Unfair Miles – The Sequel

There are probably more ways to book your “free” travel than there are seats available. You can go online and try your luck. I did, and managed to nab one of the elusive 15000 pointers. Plus the usual taxes and surcharges and all that. Here’s the thing: I booked the trip in February. I’m going away in June. And there are about 12 flights a day on this route. Sounds like shoo-in, right?


Remember that Modern Family episode when Cam introduces Mitchell to the joys and wonders of Costco? Cut to: Mitchell zipping down the aisles on a trolley of wasted olives and baby wipes. That was me. But not anymore. At least not to that extent. Mostly.

Glee vs The Volcano

There’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon as the 5 grand dig begins. And there was happiness in the air tonight, not just sewage. Because of Glee.

Storm in a B-Cup

Heroine chic was all the rage. And while I couldn’t compete with the waifs, I certainly had the chest for the tops I liked. And then I tried on a WonderBra.

Breaking Up is Hard to Do

Professional break-ups are tricky. I’m not talking hiring and firing, tho’ those can be pretty brutal too. I’m talking about the professionals you – or your health plan – pays.

No Flies On Us

I was still reeling from the news that my house was infested with sewer flies and I’d need to rip up my basement floors. S-E-W-E-R flies. Uh-huh. Exactly what you think they are. Flies. That breed in sewers. IN MY HOUSE.

A Word From Your Sponsor

A funny thing happened on the way to the blogosphere…..people started sending me stuff. Free stuff. It was cool. Except now that they’ve paid the bill, I’m expected to, ahem, put out. And I can’t. I’m just not that kind of girl.

The Real 411

Does anybody use 411 anymore? I don’t. I’m not a cheapskate but when it comes to those little charges I become ever so thrifty. It bugs me giving the phone companies even a dollar more than I absolutely have to.