It’s summertime. Break out the books. Or iPads, or Kindles or Kobos….
MOAM Book Club
So before the summer unofficially ends on Labour Day, might I present some more MOAM Book Club faves. Warning: these are not what some would consider “beach reads”. They’re utterly depressing and devastating. In the best possible way.
The Slap – Christos Tsiolkas
I was hooked from the very start. At a BBQ in Australia a man slaps a child who isn’t his. And thus it begins. After the proverbial shrimp on the barbie, the incident is seen through various eyes, intertwining stories and characters while painting a spectacular portrait of life in the Melbourne suburbs. Modern families, domestic life, identifiable characters and yet….totally sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll. I couldn’t put this one down – you won’t either. AWESOME.
MOAM Book Club
Even if you’re not a huge reader, in summertime it’s hard to resist the lure of the page. After all, how many times can you go see The Hangover? OK don’t answer that.
Coloroso for Dummies
The trials and tribulations of parenting. The love. The joy. The pain….in the ass. It ain’t easy so I take any help I can get. And then I discard what I don’t need. Or want.
MOAM Book Club
TV of course is a non-issue – nothing’s on. Movies are a crap-shoot: ie. most are crap. Which is why every mag, paper and website puts out its annual summer reading list. And MOAM is no exception (erm…except that it’s not annual…)
Oprah Move Over
At long last, I am giving the people what they want: the eagerly awaited, long anticipated, not imitated: MOAM BOOK CLUB.