As many of you loyal readers know, I have just returned from Poland, where I participated in the March of the Living (MOL) from Auschwitz to Birkenau. The trip itself is a 2-part educational journey, from Poland to Israel. Originally designed for 17-year old students, there was so much interest that there is now an […]
Canyon Ranch
I’ve just returned from a week at Canyon Ranch in Tuscon. I remembered a kibbutz-like place with cheesy Southwestern furnishings and dark carpets. Those were the late 80’s. Those days are done. Now I can safely say: I’ve been Ranched.
Off we flew, my boy ‘n me, down to the Big City. This time, there were no museums. Pas de parks. Forget the friends. Our agenda was simple: dining and retail. This was a boy after my own heart. He had things to eat and stuff to buy. And so did I!
Hopgood Burgers Priest
Two hotspot restaurants. Both offering up comfort food. Both hailing from the East. One from the far-off coast of Nova Scotia. The other from the wilds of Leslieville. Yep, we’ve been eating well….At Hopgoods Foodliner and Burgers Priest.
Aaaahhhh, Miami…. America’s Riviera. Playground for the rich & famous. Southern home for Canadian Snowbirds. And some damn fine food. Everybody’s got their go-to’s in Miami.
What Happens in Vegas? Manny Pacquiao.
Sin City. Lost Wages. The Entertainment Capital of the Worrrrld.
Vegas, baby!
Glutton for San Fran
My man turned 40 last week. Trying to figure out where to go and what to do for this particular fellow was a bit of a nightmare. He’s one of the most social cats I know, so a party could be deadly – in every way. And trying to pick a handful of pals for […]
LA Woman
finally, this past weekend, I got just that. My Man took me away from all this and we headed West. To Los Angeles. Hollywood, California. Sun, Sand, Sea…Stars! Yes, kids, I went on my very own private Celebrity Safari!!!
Hola Punta Cana
Ten things I learned on my winter vacation. With the fam.
Montreal Mon Amour
My man and I love our babes to bits. But we also love each other, which is why we skipped town, hit the 401 and headed to Montreal.
Montreal, je t’aime. Stunning, accessible, and a helluva lot cheaper than Toronto, what’s not to love? Everyone’s got their fave places and spaces. And here are mine…