Storm in a B-Cup
Heroine chic was all the rage. And while I couldn’t compete with the waifs, I certainly had the chest for the tops I liked. And then I tried on a WonderBra.
Glutton for San Fran
My man turned 40 last week. Trying to figure out where to go and what to do for this particular fellow was a bit of a nightmare. He’s one of the most social cats I know, so a party could be deadly – in every way. And trying to pick a handful of pals for […]
The Golden Moment
January 1, 2002. D and I walk out of the Chinese Restaurant downtown. It’s freezing. He looks at me, his eyes smiling… And thus the anecdotal Golden Moment begins… I could write the script of my man’s marriage proposal word for word. It’s so etched in my brain now that I sometimes wonder if it […]