All Joy, No Fun…
According to the most recent studies, having kids makes you unhappy. I’m paraphrasing of course, but when I read this, I wanted to refute it at every word. I’m deliriously happy. Except when I’m not. And staying home and being there for my children is completely fulfilling…
OK. Not really. But….How did they know??
The Slap – Christos Tsiolkas
I was hooked from the very start. At a BBQ in Australia a man slaps a child who isn’t his. And thus it begins. After the proverbial shrimp on the barbie, the incident is seen through various eyes, intertwining stories and characters while painting a spectacular portrait of life in the Melbourne suburbs. Modern families, domestic life, identifiable characters and yet….totally sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll. I couldn’t put this one down – you won’t either. AWESOME.