Idol Shaves Chris

I don’t know who was most surprised – the judges, Kitty, or the Bald One himself. Total devastation. Now that is good tv. With nary a dry eye, we said bye bye to Mr Daughtry, the rock ‘n roller who was waaaay too alterna rock for AI in the first place. And yet, we liked him, we really liked him.
There is a Silver Lining

Elliott’s the never-a-dry-eye guy. He’s the one who overcame it all – illness, deafness, those teeth – to get to the final three. He’s the modest counter-boy who adores his mother. And, of course, he’s the biggest weeper on primetime TV. Who wouldn’t cry for him?
The Finale

I think American Idol is the new Miss America – it’s just all the talent competition. Or maybe it’s Oscar Night. But less boring.
I Want My PVR

Today, there is one less contender for the title of American Idol.
This week’s result show promised to be a goodie – someone would get the boot and we’d be down to the top 5. TOP 5! That’s huge! I know the results show isn’t nearly as exciting as its Tuesday night cousin but still, it’s the one with the definitive ending. Only one small problem. I missed it.
Those calls and emails keep coming in – “let’s discuss Idol”. And I do. A lot. But I’ve had some issues.
I’m Up Now
Mouth breather out. Rocker in. 80’s icons on. Now that’s good tv. Just when you thought it was safe….It wasn’t!
The skewering of poor David Cook. Is it just me (and my Tuesday night AI viewing cronies), or did the whole thing feel like it was, erm….fixed?
No Flies On Us
I was still reeling from the news that my house was infested with sewer flies and I’d need to rip up my basement floors. S-E-W-E-R flies. Uh-huh. Exactly what you think they are. Flies. That breed in sewers. IN MY HOUSE.
I don’t get Mimi. I really don’t. All’s I knew was the hotness had left the building. And it showed.
The Break Up
It was a bloodbath. A travesty. A real shocker. The booting of Michael Johns. Hot Idol, R.I.P