Mother of All Mavens

A whole lot o' nothing. And then some…

Canyon Ranch

I’ve just returned from a week at Canyon Ranch in Tuscon. I remembered a kibbutz-like place with cheesy Southwestern furnishings and dark carpets. Those were the late 80’s. Those days are done. Now I can safely say: I’ve been Ranched.


I feel the need to revisit that little thing called “mobile phone etiquette”. It seems that many of us our lacking it. Big time.

Lulu’s for Lemons

“Comfy”? There’s not a whole lot worse you could call a person, without being straight-out rude! lululemon is the best – and worst – thing to happen to a girl since the invention of lycra.

Resolve This

Rather than fall off various wagons and miss crucial deadlines, I didn’t even bother making resolutions. It’s not that I think I’m perfect. Far from it…