Those crazy Swedes have gone and named nursing clothes Boob. Genius. In name and in nature.
Beauty is in The Eye of The Beholder
My 5-and-a-half year old thinks I’m ugly. UGLY!!!!!! I may not be a supermodel but I’ve been known to turn a head or two.
Scoop on Poop
My 2.5 year old son is toilet training himself. All he needs is a paper and he’s ready for the men’s room.
Hola Punta Cana
Ten things I learned on my winter vacation. With the fam.
Great Leap Forward
TV=bad. TV=fat. TV=ADD. Until I had kids. Suddenly, there was a new god in town, a new kind of salvation. We called it the television. And just when we’d finally got a handle on the TV situation, my older son asked me for a Game Cube.
Back to School Blues
I say Labout Day is the new New Year. Why not? New year’s resolutions? Do ’em in Sept. Starting a diet? Post-summer’s the perfect time to start. Quitting smoking? Hell-ooo? What better day than the one after a long, hot, smokey summer?!
Out! Damn Blog Spot
Maybe that’s why blogs are becoming so passe. Not only are you, dear readers, getting sick of certain voices (hopefully not mine – is work that busy?!), but no news is, well, no news.There’s nothin coming. Not on my computer(s) anyway.
Fight Club
Despite your best efforts, at some point, your kid’s gonna be the bad guy. And how will that make you feel?
Halloween 101
Things have definitely changed since I was a trick-or-treater. Where have all the caramels gone? And when did candy get so pricey? And so puny? Two Hershey’s kisses in a mini pack? That’s just rude. Even the-already tiny Rockets have shrunk into mini versions. It ain’t right.
Home Sweet Home
When I think summer vacation, I think fun in the sun. It’s easy math: Summer + Holiday = lazy days. But throw the family into that equation and what do you get? Work.