Mother of All Mavens

A whole lot o' nothing. And then some…

Bat Boy

At 6 months, he got his first teeth… Then he went through hell. Fever. Drool. Rash. Pain. More pain. And then one morning, I spotted them. Full on fangs. Who ever heard of such a thing? Fangs first? I had a nine month old Dracula. A Draculito….

Mother’s Day

I say have Mother’s Week. Like Reading Week, or Spring Break, but for moms. That way, the mommies really can have it all: time with their kids, time with their parents, and time by themselves. Apparently that’s what most moms really want – time alone.

Mother’s Day – But For Real

I learned that my own mother, the queen of the mom/daughter love affair, the biggest promoter of parent-offspring bonding EVER, the Maharaja of mothers would not be there. She was devastated. I thought for sure we were doomed…

All Joy, No Fun…

According to the most recent studies, having kids makes you unhappy. I’m paraphrasing of course, but when I read this, I wanted to refute it at every word. I’m deliriously happy. Except when I’m not. And staying home and being there for my children is completely fulfilling…

OK. Not really. But….How did they know??

Coloroso for Dummies

The trials and tribulations of parenting. The love. The joy. The pain….in the ass. It ain’t easy so I take any help I can get. And then I discard what I don’t need. Or want.

Scoop on Poop

My 2.5 year old son is toilet training himself. All he needs is a paper and he’s ready for the men’s room.

Great Leap Forward

TV=bad. TV=fat. TV=ADD. Until I had kids. Suddenly, there was a new god in town, a new kind of salvation. We called it the television. And just when we’d finally got a handle on the TV situation, my older son asked me for a Game Cube.

Out! Damn Blog Spot

Maybe that’s why blogs are becoming so passe. Not only are you, dear readers, getting sick of certain voices (hopefully not mine – is work that busy?!), but no news is, well, no news.There’s nothin coming. Not on my computer(s) anyway.