Mother of All Mavens

A whole lot o' nothing. And then someā€¦

MOAM Book Club – COVID-19 Edition (Part 1)

First off, wash your hands. 20 seconds (don’t cheat). Kudos to those of you whose creativity has sparked and who have been doing on-line workouts and organizing their cupboards and taking freebie courses. Me? Between the compulsive checking of social media and forwarding of funny memes and gifs I find it hard to focus on […]

MOAM Book Club Summer 2019

Oops. I started writing this post way back in July when the summer was stretched out in front of me. And now it’s almost over. But not quite. The days are still long and if you try really hard it’s possible to channel that summery vibe. Especially if you step outside and feel the heat […]

New year, new books!

Happy 2019 MOAM readers of books and site! I am not a very good resolution maker, tho I am an excellent resolution breaker. Diets, exercise, work hard, be more present, meditate, breathe….Whatever. And the “don’ts”? I do. There is, however, a new resolution in town. One I keep noticing in various New-Year-New-You pieces. One I […]


It’s the Summer 2018 MOAM Book Club – Happy Reading!


Winter is coming so bundle up and break out the books! Your texts and emails and posts and hints have not gone unnoticed. The list has been brewing for months but getting it out there has taken a little longer than I’d hoped. Being distracted by the news and by life doesn’t help much either. […]


Remember the MOAM Book Club? It’s back! Get out your must-read lists, ‘cuz these books really should be on ’em….


I’ve been reading a lot. Have you? Anything I should add to my list? May I present the 2014 MOAM Summer Book Club….Enjoy!


It’s summertime. Break out the books. Or iPads, or Kindles or Kobos….


The Slap – Christos Tsiolkas
I was hooked from the very start. At a BBQ in Australia a man slaps a child who isn’t his. And thus it begins. After the proverbial shrimp on the barbie, the incident is seen through various eyes, intertwining stories and characters while painting a spectacular portrait of life in the Melbourne suburbs. Modern families, domestic life, identifiable characters and yet….totally sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll. I couldn’t put this one down – you won’t either. AWESOME.