World Cup of Coffee
I found the whole thing too car dealership-ish for my liking. In fact last time I had my oil changed I think I used a Tassimo- I just didn’t know it yet. My man fell for it from the start. It was techy, it was easy, it was tasty. Sold!
Oops I Did It Again
I of course am mortified. Not only because I caused my child pain, but because these little nasties happened on my watch!!!
The irony is not lost on my husband. Obviously my man would sooner cut off one of his limbs than hurt his children, but he’s somewhat amused by the fact that all these accidents happen – yep, on my watch.
My Favourite Waste of Time
Here’s the thing with this flick – they’re all so smart it’s crazy. Crazy good. Crazy entertaining. Crazy, scary, smart. Smarter than the smartest guy you know kind of smart. But don’t let that turn you off…
The Real 411
Does anybody use 411 anymore? I don’t. I’m not a cheapskate but when it comes to those little charges I become ever so thrifty. It bugs me giving the phone companies even a dollar more than I absolutely have to.
Soup’s On
I know soup. I make soup. And I rarely buy soup because I’m one of those who tends to sneer at store bought soup, convinced I can make bigger and better soup by myself.
Jean Genius
I’ve been wrong before and (gasp!) I just might be again. I was definitely wrong when I said I would never pay over $100 for jeans. HA HA HA HA HA. I blame it on Adriano Goldschmied.
Women be Shoppin’, Women be Shoppin’, Women be Shoppin’
I walked in wearing one outfit, walked out in another. And then shopped at a different Olive & Bette’s in yet another O & B combo. Talk about wearing the concert-T to the concert!!
Other Fish in the Sea
Torontonians love a good patio. And the more they make you feel like you’re anyplace but Toronto, the better. But this place was in need of… something: a cleaning, a paint job, a sponge-down… Anything. The waiter arrived. He, like the patio, was a bit dim…
Sponsorship Scandal
I always succumb to the old fashioned sponsorship request. Biking for breast cancer? I’ll give. Dance-off for diabetes? Sign me up. Golfing for gout? Here’s a twenty.