It’s taken me several days to get a handle on TIFF this year. Between back to school hectic-ness and life in general, I’m afraid TIFF has had to take a back seat for MOAM!
But fear not, loyal readers, I still have updates for you! Be warned – I’m having some technical difficulties and I can’t bloody edit the size of the pictures. But does size really matter? Maybe not…
And so, without further ado…
Triple-threat Ben Afflek was happy in the green room, despite his photo face. As he should be, because his flick was fantastic. Set during the Iran Hostage crisis, it centers on a crazy scheme hatched by Afflek’s character to get 6 Yanks out of Iran. We know it ends well, but we don’t know how. Talk about edge of your seat – I was shaking (and not just because it’s freezing in Roy Thompson Hall)! Sometimes I fall into the TIFF trap of liking films just because of circumstances (a nice star, a world premiere, a cinematically-dry summer etc) but with the audience erupting into spontaneous applause and the crowd on its feet by the film’s end, I knew I wasn’t alone.
And neither was Ben! He brought his wife along – magnifique! And tiny – don’t let the tabloids (or her hem in this photo) fool you. She is not “every woman”. Not even close.
Also there were Alan Arkin – not just cranky onscreen; Bryan Cranston – kinda hot; and gentleman John Goodman, who tipped the bartender serving him his free drinks. Love that!
After the anxiety thrill ride that was Argo came What Maisie Knew, a modern spin on the novel by Charles Dickens. A young girl watches her parents’ relationship disintegrate. No helicopter parenting here! A slice of a movie, ok to watch but not worth racing to the theaters – if it makes it that far. The sets were amazing – beautiful decor, fabulous clothes. Is it terrible that was jealous of a 6-year old’s outfits?
Speaking of outfits…
Look at Julianne Moore. So stunning. 51 years old for f&ck’s sake. 3 kids. Obviously she didn’t spend much time in the sun. Must’ve been on the treadmill…In fact, I did eavesdrop on her convo – all about working out. Stars ARE just like us, discussing their workouts! Only I think theirs last a whole lot longer/are more effective…
The other star who showed up for the film was none other than….Alexander Skarsgard.
He is one tall drink ‘o water. And very very thin. He was the nice Eric Northman, not the menace. It’s quite a challenge to be photographed next to a 6’5″, reed-thin giant. Photogenics aside, I felt like he might break. And so, despite his on-screen appeal, after many years as a loyal member of Team Eric, I’m back to Bad Bill.
Saturday night brought festival fave David O. Russell to Roy Thompson Hall to screen his film, Silver Linings Playbook. I. LOVED. IT. Brilliant in every way, this is a movie to fall in love with. It brought down the house. Legit standing O. Bradley Cooper plays a recently-released psycho ward inmate trying to get his life – and his wife – back. Robert De Niro plays his OCD bookie poppa and Jennifer Lawrence plays a new-found pal with issues of her own. Chris Tucker’s in there too. Not a lot, but enough to crack you up.
In the movie, Jennifer Lawrence reminded me a bit of Juliette Lewis. She was fantastic, and seemed (appropriately!) older than her 22 years. Live – looks like a teen. Gorgeous.
Bradley Cooper? Hot. But wasn’t so into the posing for pics. Had a full-on gang with him and insisted on being snapped with them. Yup, he’s that guy. The real life version of Vince from Entourage.
You know it’s a hot hit when other stars flock to the film. Ewan MacGregor was there. I blinked and I missed him. But also slipping under everyone’s radar were Sam Taylor Wood and Aaron Johnson. Love these two who, together, are the Taylor-Johnsons. Nobody gave them a passing glance. Except me.
By far the nicest guy in the room was Robert De Niro. He chatted. He hugged. He posed.
I look a wee bit frightened, perhaps I had Cape Fear in my head. When he hides on/under the car? Shudder….But he was lovely.
The Reluctant Fundamentalist was up next. But we had to give it a miss. We did however, manage to snap its co-stars Kiefer & Kate. Jack Bauer didn’t leave his mother’s side. We should all have sons like him.
I’ve never been a fan of Kate Hudson’s. Always thought she forced it and was trying to be her mom. But I’ve changed my tune. She was friendly and funny and totally sparkled. A real stunner.
Here’s my favourite pic of the night: