Bat Boy
At 6 months, he got his first teeth… Then he went through hell. Fever. Drool. Rash. Pain. More pain. And then one morning, I spotted them. Full on fangs. Who ever heard of such a thing? Fangs first? I had a nine month old Dracula. A Draculito….
The Golden Moment
January 1, 2002. D and I walk out of the Chinese Restaurant downtown. It’s freezing. He looks at me, his eyes smiling… And thus the anecdotal Golden Moment begins… I could write the script of my man’s marriage proposal word for word. It’s so etched in my brain now that I sometimes wonder if it […]
Oops I Did It Again
I of course am mortified. Not only because I caused my child pain, but because these little nasties happened on my watch!!!
The irony is not lost on my husband. Obviously my man would sooner cut off one of his limbs than hurt his children, but he’s somewhat amused by the fact that all these accidents happen – yep, on my watch.
Bat Boy
At 6 months, he got his first teeth… Then he went through hell. Fever. Drool. Rash. Pain. More pain. And then one morning, I spotted them. Full on fangs. Who ever heard of such a thing? Fangs first? I had a nine month old Dracula. A Draculito….