You DON’T know who that is?! Helloooo? He’s only the best thing to happen to Entourage since Entourage became the best thing to happen to summer tv since Nip/Tuck!
Got that? Yeah, I know Entourage has been around a couple of seasons. I remember watching a couple of episodes back in the day when I was working. When it wasn’t out on Canadian TV yet. And when I had to pretend it wasn’t nearly as good as our beloved show. It was (and is) way better. But that was then. This is now – the year Entourage went from passing interest, to PVR-worthy, to must-see PVR-TV. In part on its own merit, but also because it didn’t have a lot of competition in the summer viewing competition. Rockstar Supernova being the exception. LOVE IT. OBSESSED.
But more on that another time.
So the gist of this article my friend so kindly passed my way is basically how Johnny Drama is the bomb, how that type of character is the best American tv has to offer, etc. But in referencing pathetic losers like JD and his Seinfeldian predecessors, Mr. Rosenbaum neglected to acknowledge another, as he puts it, “Icon of Irritability”. Any thoughts? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? (and does everyone know the guy who played the principle in Ferris passed on this year? A little off topic, but a worthy FYI)
But let me repeat the question: anyone know of another key TV portrait of irritability?
He’s one of my all-time fave characters, on one of my all-time fave (and sadly cancelled) shows of recent years….Ladies and Gents, put your hands together for…
AKA George Bluth II. AKA Will Arnett.
But to me, he will always be Gob. That spelling! (For those of you not-in-the-know it’s pronounced like the biblical Job, which in turn is not prounounced like the work sitch I don’t have but rather, “Jobe”) Who’s cheesier-in-a-good-way? Who’s so stupid-he’s-genius? Who is that hilarious in the realm of irritable characters? Mr. Drama is amusing, but COME ON – he doesn’t hold a candle to Gob, R.I.P.
Let’s have another moment of pause before we snap back to today, to Entourage. To the article. To the fact that Johnny Drama merits his own space. ‘Cuz it’s true, as fab as Agent Ari is, as clever as his comebacks may be, the genies who write the show seem to rely on him more than they should. Yeah, he makes us laugh out loud, but he doesn’t bring a smile to the face the same way that Johnny D. does. And E. doesn’t. And Turtle definitely does not. And Vince? Hell, he brings an entirely different type of smile to this girl’s face. Let’s just say he’s on That List, along with Hugh J.
Maybe we all love Johnny Drama because he’s the loser we laugh at AND with. And because he’s the one we thank our lucky stars we are not. Whatever and whoever he is, catch him while you can…only two eps left ’til fall line up. Woo hoo!!!
For those interested, here’s the link to the article that inspired it all:
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Its a mirror image of the “Honeymooners” complete with a boring set and a dumb husband with a smart but dumber wife who stays with him. They are people you don’t want to be like and thank g-d that you do not resemble.
Louie is a perfect portrait of “Mr. Irritability”.
Unlike Louie who I think should jump off a bridge. I hope Johnny Dramma gets that next big part that puts his career back on the map!!!!! Good Luck Johnny hopefully Ed can take you to the top.
p.s. don’t forget Turtles anxiety fixer tip.